The U.S. Filed More Than Half Of All Twitter's Requests For User Info Last Year

In its latest Transparency Report, Twitter calls out the countries who’ve requested the most information on its users and who’s asked for the most things to be deleted.

Since 2012, Twitter — microblogging platform and timesuck extraordinaire — has released an annual report on government requests for its users' information.

Since 2012, Twitter — microblogging platform and timesuck extraordinaire — has released an annual report on government requests for its users' information.

Eric Risberg / Via AP

"We've received ~40% more requests for account information affecting 128% more account holders during the second half of 2014 than in the previous reporting period," Twitter said. "As always, we continue to fight to provide notice to affected users when we're not otherwise prohibited."

"The continued rise follows industry trends and is also likely due in part to Twitter's continued international expansion," the post continued. "There were also several world events during this time period, including various elections and terrorist attacks, which led to an increase in requests."


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