Welcome To Goth Internet

The person behind Goth Screenshots explains why the internet can be a dark place.

Hail satan.


The world is a dark place and humankind is a cruel, vindictive species. And nowhere is that more apparent than in the the stark and brutal online error messages telling you have zero friends. It's basically the internet equivalent of white pancake makeup, a cape, New Rock boots and purple arm warmers. Very goth.

This is the premise of the sublime Goth Screenshots, a tumblr run by Souwen Chung, a New York based artist, for the last 3 years. The tumblr has expanded to include a t-shirt merchandise line (do goths wear t-shirts? cloaks?).

"It's an outlet for the existential/breakup/technological angst using the screen as its medium and inspiration," she says. Chang told BuzzFeed it's easy to find 'gothshots.' "I've never had to go hunting for gothscreenshots; I think its like branding, once you see it for the first time you realize its everywhere. It's also kind of a frame of attention that you just fall into."

And she's right. There's evidence of the humankind's existential struggle all across the 'net. So enjoy the ivy-covered path into T H E A B Y S S

No friends.

No friends.


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