The one app that changed three best friends forever.
On a slow news day in August 2014, a one-touch pizza buying app called Push for Pizza was created. After signing up with your credit card information, you hit one button on the app, and it orders a pizza from a local place (in essence, the app syncs with and to find a few places near you — basically, it's three or four steps short of ordering from the delivery site, Seamless). Today, several BuzzFeed employees ordered a pizza. This is their story.
Katie Notopoulos, pizza orderer: I saw an article about this new pizza app on The Verge. At the time, we were very hungry in the office. It was right around lunch. Maybe 12:20pm. I wanted to order salads from Just Salad. Charlie and I always get the Thai Chicken Crunch salad. I'm not sure what Myles gets. It was Johana's first day so it was about to be a really important moment when we discovered what her salad preferences are. But then I was like "what if we got pizza?"
Myles Tanzer, pizza eater: When I heard Katie say "pizza," I was relieved because I'm not even sure what salad I was going to order. It was a little bit of whimsy on an otherwise humdrum day. Pizza! On a Tuesday!
Katie: I downloaded and signed up for the app. I was ready for pizza.
Charlie Warzel, pizza eater: Despite washing half a bagel down this morning with a half gallon of coffee, I was hungry by 11am. So when Katie told me she downloaded a one-button push pizza app I was able to stave off an eye roll long enough to agree that this is something we should do. Salad is dumb.
Katie: Our office building has a service entrance for food deliveries that's around the building's corner with a different address. I entered this side door address for the delivery. However, the app couldn't find the address. I tried a few different permutations (4 W. 24th, 4 W24, 4 W 24 ST), figuring that perhaps the app's address finder required standardized USPS address format. No dice. At this point, I started wondering if we should give up. Was this the end of our pizza dreams? Was the app broken? What we were going to eat?
Charlie: You could see it on her face. Dejection. "Should we just get salads?" she said, her brow furrowed. What followed felt like a two or three hour pause. In reality it was probably less than three seconds. She got the app to work. Salad is dumb.
Katie: I entered the front door address, and the app accepted it. I felt bad because this is an inconvenience to the delivery person, who will inevitably go to the front entrance and be told to go back around to the side door.
The pizza was ordered. One large cheese.
Charlie: Katie showed me the app. No breadsticks. No sausage. No pepperoni. I like that. If you're going to have a gimmicky app, you might as well eliminate frills. A perfectly efficient pizza delivery device shouldn't play around. Hit a button and pizza slides into your face and down to your stomach. That was the first time I started to respect this app for what it is. An efficient pizza delivering device.
Katie: It says a pepperoni option is "coming soon".
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