We Can't Stop Sleeping With Our Phones And We're A Little Anxious About It

Welcome to the way we sleep now.

Chris Ritter/BuzzFeed

As a society, we've accepted that using your phone in certain situations is bad. At dinner, it is rude and makes for empty conversations. While driving, it's a danger to yourself and those around you. At the movies, it's a sure-fire way to get your neighbors to hate you. And there are even situations — a sunset, a nice restaurant meal — where lots of us say, you know, let's just try to enjoy this smartphone-free.

Objectively, falling asleep with your phone in your bed is also bad — or at least, not good. Both scientific studies and general common sense warn of the pitfalls of falling asleep with phones: they keep us up too late and wake us up in the middle of the night and the "blue light" from screens hurts our sleep cycles, resulting in sleep that is both too short and often interrupted.

But many, if not most, of us are doing it anyway.

I asked staff at BuzzFeed, in a survey, if they ever fall asleep with their phones in their beds. Of the 82 people who responded, 70% said they at least sometimes sleep with their phones in their beds, and 41% said they do it almost every night.

Single people were somewhat more likely to sometimes sleep with their phones in their bed — 78% of singles and 61% of people in relationships said they at least sometimes sleep with their phones in their bed. Roughly 95% said they sleep with their phones either in their beds, or on a nightstand or floor right next to it and only four people said they leave their phones away from the bed, either in another room or on another side of the room.

The respondents, admittedly, are a technologically-connected group. So, while by no means conclusive, it's a look at how hard it can be to disconnect, even while unconscious.

So why do we do it? And how does it make us feel? I also asked the respondents to share some thoughts, which revealed that a lot of us feel anxious about the effects — both long and short-term — of sleeping with our phones, but many of us simply just accept it as a reality of the way we live now.

While responses varied, I identified what I believed to be five distinct behaviors and attitudes:

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