How ISIS Uses Twitter To Recruit Women

A tight-knit online “sisterhood” encourages women to leave their homes and journey to Syria.

In February, three teenage girls left their homes and families in London to travel to Syria and join ISIS.

In February, three teenage girls left their homes and families in London to travel to Syria and join ISIS.

Metropolitan Police

Images of Shamima Begum, 15, Kadiza Sultana, 16, and Amira Abase, 15, were captured on CCTV at London's Gatwick airport Feb. 18, before the girls boarded a flight to Istanbul, Turkey, Metropolitan Police said. They were later seen leaving a Turkish bus stop, likely en route to the Syrian border and ISIS-controlled territory.

Days before the girls' departure, a Twitter account appearing to belong to 15-year-old Shamima Begum tweeted to an account associated with a female ISIS member known online as Umm Layth.

Days before the girls' departure, a Twitter account appearing to belong to 15-year-old Shamima Begum tweeted to an account associated with a female ISIS member known online as Umm Layth.

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