There Is A Vine For Kids Now

The electronic babysitter, now in six seconds or less.

Smartphones are the greatest tool for parents since Benadryl. Whether you're on an airplane, in a restaurant, or just trying to make the shrieking stop so you can take a nap (you will always need a nap) little else compares with the electronic babysitter that's always in our pocket. Now there's another mesmerizing tool that will let you wile away the hours while your child stares into a glowing rectangle, growing ever more isolated, ever more unable to process genuine human emotions. It's called Vine Kids. Ready Player One?

According to Vine, the idea came when they realized that their children loved the short-form, looping videos on the app. So, during Hack Week, two engineers built a kid-friendly version. That means controlled content, and a swiping interface to see new videos without having to go through following other users. You can download it now now for iOS from the App Store.

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