YouTube Now Supports 360-Degree Videos

It is cool as heck.

YouTube is now a 360-degree video platform.

As of today, the streaming site allows users to upload and view videos that let users look around the shot—that is, not just where the camera is pointing. The best comparison to the effect of 360-degree video is Google Maps' street view feature. If you've ever spent time spinning in circles on a faraway street corner, you have an idea for how this works. Just include motion, and the ability to pause, look around, and rewind.

YouTube has been working on new ways to connect with audiences (like multiple angles) for about a year, according to software engineer Anjali Wheeler, and the immersive 360-degree approach marks a new benchmark. Instead of a view, YouTube is trying to provide an experience.

Currently, you can check out the feature in a set of videos, but YouTube hopes that content will come when more people begin to adopt the technology. There are several 360-degree cameras on the market right now, some of which, like the Ricoh Theta, aren't much bigger than a Flip cam. The price for them, however, runs at about $300—considerably more expensive than a cheap video camera. "We are working with consumer camera makers to get the tech to give to creators," says Sanjeev Verma, YouTube's Product Manager, who believes that the price of cameras will drop as adoption rates rise.

The Ricoh Theta 360-degree camera


The idea here is to present the technology, show what it's capable of, and make it as easy as possible to upload 360-degree content to YouTube. The rest is up to their community.

Currently the feature is available on Android devices and HTML 5 desktop browsers. Soon, YouTube hopes to add the feature to iOS devices as well. Seeing it in action on an Android tablet, the 360-degree viewpoint felt like a clear precursor to virtual reality. "Immersive experiences are the next step," said Verma. "There's a big gap between someone who watches YouTube and someone who uses Google Cardboard, this opens that huge middle ground."

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