Twitter Limiting Porn In Top Search Results

Users can still tweet adult images and links, but “Top” searches for terms like “#porn” and “#vagina” draw very few results.

Twitter appears to be blocking sex and porn terms from its "Top" search results.

While users can still tweet adult content, BuzzFeed News has found that "Top" searches on terms like "fucking," "#porn," and "sluts" draw few if any results. Top searches on associated anatomical terms like #penis and #vagina also return dramatically fewer results than they once did.

Changes still appear to be in flux. Some search terms which did return image results when BuzzFeed News began investigating, no longer did over the course of the day. For some terms, such as #penis, we began to see wildly different results minute to minute as images dropped out.

It's unclear when the changes to Twitter's search function was first made, and if it is an experiment or part of a broader effort to limit pornographic content. The company did not respond to requests for comment.

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