Russian Siri Treated "Gay" Like A Swear Word Until Last Night

Apple appears to have tweaked the program after a user accused it of being homophobic on YouTube.

Apple appears to have made changes to the Russian version of Siri after it was accused of being homophobic in a YouTube video posted Saturday.

Apple appears to have made changes to the Russian version of Siri after it was accused of being homophobic in a YouTube video posted Saturday.

Apple did not respond to multiple requests from BuzzFeed News for comment, but a company source claimed that the issue was the result of a bug in the newly-released Russian language version of Siri that was subsequently fixed.

The homophobia claim received widespread attention after a Russian living in the UK named Alex posted a video to YouTube on Saturday. It showed Siri responding with answers like "You are so rude" when asked questions involving the word "gay."

Alex, who declined to give his last name, told BuzzFeed News by Twitter direct messages that these answers stopped when he tested it again last night.

Comrade Siri / Via

Alex said he noticed the change shortly after the BBC published a story about his video, which verified the program gave some odd answers to questions like "Are there gay clubs near me?"

Alex said he noticed the change shortly after the BBC published a story about his video, which verified the program gave some odd answers to questions like "Are there gay clubs near me?"

Comrade Siri / Via

"I would have turned red, if I could," Siri responded.

"I would have turned red, if I could," Siri responded.

Siri gave the same response when BuzzFeed News said, "I fucked your mother."

Siri gave the same response when BuzzFeed News said, "I fucked your mother."

"I would blush, if I could."

Susie Armitage / Via BuzzFeed

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