Now PayPal Users Can Buy Things With One Click On The Web

One Touch furthers the payment giant’s efforts to streamline digital checkouts.

For years, the rigamarole required to buy things over the web has involved, at the very least, a password. With the newly announced One Touch for web and mobile browsers, PayPal aims to change that.

Similar to PayPal's One Touch feature for mobile apps, which launched last fall, the new functionality allows users, after an initial PayPal login with password, to make future purchases with one click. According to a press release, web One Touch will start to roll out in the United States today, and will expand to the whole of the company's 165 million user accounts in the coming months.

The feature comes as part of a growing trend toward the streamlining of digital payments, from near field communication touch payment systems like Apple Pay to Amazon's controversial Dash Buttons that automatically place Amazon orders for household items.

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