These Drivers Will Be Replaced By Robots, And Don't Seem To Mind

We spoke with Uber and Lyft Drivers About The Self Driving Future (And Tried Out A Tesla)

It's only been a few years since ride-sharing services have dramatically changed transportation in most major cities...

It's only been a few years since ride-sharing services have dramatically changed transportation in most major cities...

But looking to the future, both Lyft and Uber have said that they will be looking towards optimizing their platforms towards self-driving cars, which would likely mean less work for their existing workforce.

Mike Coppola / Getty Images

So we wanted to ask drivers what they thought about these announcements.

Whether they were worried or thought it wasn't even possible

BuzzFeed Video / Via

Also, we tried out some Level 2 self-driving features in a brand new Tesla Model S

Also, we tried out some Level 2 self-driving features in a brand new Tesla Model S

It was pretty tight.

Via BuzzFeed

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