The Cyber Caliphate Released Its First Threat Video But Nobody's Buying It

The so-called “Cyber Caliphate” released a video Monday claiming that they are about to launch a series of attacks. But the internet was kind of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Still from the video released by the Cyber Caliphate Monday.

The Islamic State's Defenders in the Internet

Hackers claiming to be affiliated with ISIS threatened a series of cyberattacks against the U.S., Europe, and Australia Monday, in the first video to be released by a group calling itself the "Islamic State's Defenders in the Internet."

"Praise to Allah, today we extend on the land and in the internet. We send this message to America and Europe. We are the hackers of the Islamic State and the electronic war has not yet begun," says an altered voice in a video reminiscent of the Anonymous hacker group. "What you have seen is just a preface of the future. We are able until this moment to hack the website of the American leadership and the website of the Australian airport and many other websites."

Cyber experts who focus on ISIS, however, have expressed doubt about the hacking-prowess group — more widely known as the Cyber Caliphate — and see the most recent video as an attempt to capitalize on the media attention recently paid to Junaid Husain, a U.K.-born hacker who is currently thought to be in Syria and who appears to have exchanged tweets with one of the gunmen in the attack on Garland, Texas, last week.

Tweets by Husain, who goes by "TriCk" online, have provided the only direct link between ISIS and that attack. British authorities now say that Husain is a dangerous hacker who has previously managed to crack bank security systems, as well as taking part in attacks against involving former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, NASA, NATO, the United Nations, BlackBerry, and the English Defense League alongside his former collective, TeaMp0isoN.

Following previous attacks, Anonymous — the collective of hackers, trolls, and teen hangers-on — has declared that it would launch counterattacks on known ISIS accounts. So far on Monday, accounts on Twitter did not seem impressed by the new threats by the Cyber Caliphate as put forward in its video.

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