Mike Tyson and Jane Fonda were there, too. Or: How I lost all my famous followers on Twitter.
Twitter's new group DM feature is pretty amazing for backchannel conversations. It just switched on for my account on Tuesday, and I already love it. But there's one aspect of it that I don't think has been fully realized yet.
Did you know you can add anyone who follows you on Twitter to one of its new group chat, and start a room with a bunch of people, even if they don't follow each other? All you have to do is click on Add People, enter a username, and if they follow you, they are automatically added to the discussion. Clearly, this presents opportunities for shenanigans.
So, sure, you could get two people who hate each other together in a room -- that is as long as they aren't blocking each other, you can't add someone to a room if anyone else blocks them -- but where is the fun in that (though there are plenty of good safety/support reasons for that) ?
I mean, especially if you have famous followers (which happens to reporters, even though we are intrinsically boring). Like, say, this guy (who, to be fair, follows EVERYONE):
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