This Site Scans Your Face And Tells You What Celebrity You Look Like

…Sort of.

Face++ is high-end face recognition software built by the Chinese company Megvii, Inc. According its website, it provides "the cutting-edge technology of computer vision and data mining to provide 3 core vision services (Detection, Recognition, and Analysis)" for developers to build the technology into their apps.

It also includes a demo that takes your picture and tells you what celebrity you look like.

Best-case scenario, you take a devastating portrait and the face machine spits out five pictures of David Beckham, two pictures of Tom Cruise, and one picture of Christian Bale:

Best-case scenario, you take a devastating portrait and the face machine spits out five pictures of David Beckham, two pictures of Tom Cruise, and one picture of Christian Bale:

Or four pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal, two pictures of Nicholas Cage, and a picture each of, um, Zhang Jiayi and Fan Siu.

Or four pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal, two pictures of Nicholas Cage, and a picture each of, um, Zhang Jiayi and Fan Siu.

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