It doesn’t mean what they think it does.
Misogyny is one of the most common charges raised against the members of GamerGate, the largely anonymous movement that has preoccupied and convulsed the internet over the past two months.
The GamerGaters' most recent—and most effective—tactic has been reversing that dynamic by playing victim to the "bullying" of the anti-GamerGate online commentariat, most notably Gawker Media, whose editorial director last week was forced to clarify that his company does not advocate bullying.
It was an impressive, if highly cynical, bit of social media judo.
Now, a Twitter GamerGater, @socialunjustice, has coined a word for the phenomenon of prejudice against gamers:
Putting aside the validity of the concept for a moment, there's a major problem with the coinage, as many people on Twitter have already pointed out:
"Misogamy" is already a word. It means "a hatred of marriage".
@socialunjustice, who participated vigorously in last week's "anti-bullying" campaigns, claims that he or she (@socialinjustice would not provide any identifying information to BuzzFeed News), was aware of the 350-year-old word:
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