The 50 Worst Things On The Internet In 2015

We’re so, so sorry.

The internet is usually a good place. But let's be real. Not always. So here are the worst/grossest/best-worst things from 2015.

If you can stomach it, check out our 50 Worst Things lists from 2012, 2013, and 2014.

Enjoy this, and as always, we're sorry.

The atheist grandson who doesn't want to say grace at Thanksgiving.

The atheist grandson who doesn't want to say grace at Thanksgiving.

Twitter: @chaeronaea

This egg-laying "ovipositor" dildo that lays an egg inside the orfice of your choice.

This egg-laying "ovipositor" dildo that lays an egg inside the orfice of your choice.

The girl who buttchugged cough syrup.

The girl who buttchugged cough syrup.

Twitter: @freakmommy

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