People Are Furious That Snapchat Is Charging For Selfie Lenses

Snapchat today began charging its users 99 cents to use some of its popular selfie filters, sparking outrage.

The filters, a relatively new feature, are replaced on a fairly consistent basis. Until now, the popular filters that Snapchat removed in favor of their replacements were inaccessible. Now the company is bringing some back — at a cost.

Some of Snapchat's users were (predictably) enraged, letting the company have it on Twitter:

Snapchat takes a, let's say, different approach on Twitter from most other companies. Instead of ignoring the angry posts or apologizing, the company retweeted them:

Selling selfie lenses, of course, is a good way for Snapchat to make money outside of advertising, introducing an alternative revenue source that will make it a bit easier for the company to justify its multi-billion dollar valuation. Snapchat also offers its users the ability to replay snaps at a cost as well.

According to a report in The Verge, Snapchat will always keep about seven selfie filters for free. It will offer 30 lenses for sale each day as well.

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