Now You Can See What Google's Algorithms Are Thinking

It gets weird!`

This is the Google logo you know, but with one major difference

This is the Google logo you know, but with one major difference


Not the people at Google (the company) — the artificial neural network that lets Google (the tool) recognize images.

These neural networks — which Google uses for products like reverse image search — get "trained" by looking at thousands of images, identifying features in them until they understand what, say, a tree looks like.

But when Google tries to let the neural network make images on its own, things get weird. This is what happens with dumbbells:

But when Google tries to let the neural network make images on its own, things get weird. This is what happens with dumbbells:


As you can see, it doesn't work great — the network had trouble telling apart arms and the weights they're holding, so it created these horrific dumbbell-arm hybrid images.

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